Straightening teeth has never been so discreet

There was a time when the only way to deal with crooked teeth was to use fixed metal braces. Advances in dental materials and techniques mean that is no longer the case. Clear braces, also known as clear aligners, allow you to straighten your teeth discreetly but effectively, with far less imposition to your lifestyle. Dentist Graham Tinker in London has years of experience applying Invisalign clear aligner technology to his patients, leaving them smiling with more confidence.

straightening-teethHow do clear aligners work?

Clear aligners are designed to snugly fit around your teeth. Made out of clear acrylic, you’ll hardly notice you’re waering them. Using cutting-edge scanning technology, a 3D model image of your teeth is created around which a series of clear aligners is designed. Every two weeks you replace your clear aligner with the next one in the series, with each aligner gradually nudging your teeth to become straighter. After a year to 18 months, your crooked teeth will be a thing of the past and you’ll be able to show off your winning smile as you work and socialise in London. Dentist Graham Tinkler has the expertise to guide you along this journey to straighter teeth.

Clear aligners versus fixed metal braces

When pitching clear aligners against fixed metal braces, it’s clear who the winner is. Clear aligners are removable so you can eat, brush and floss as you always have. You won’t ever need to worry about food getting stuck between your braces and teeth.Maintaining good dental hygiene won’t be any harder than it was before. Clear aligners give you the flexibility to maintain the lifestyle you’re used to, while still proving effective in straightening your teeth. Dentist Graham Tinker in London has himself tried Invisalign clear aligners and reaped the benefits of straighter teeth, just as the thousands of patients he has treated have done.

Begin your Invisalign journey today

Based in London, dentist Graham Tinkler is on hand to get you started with Invisalign. He is always glad to hear from patients, so get in touch to book a free consultation and find out how clear aligners can work for you.