Invisalign Teen is perfect for teens during the critical developmental years.
Invisalign Teen aligners fit into a teenager’s life, just like any other activity they enjoy daily. Just like their busy and growing lives, Invisalign Teen starts to make improvements to the smile and straighten teeth with the first set of aligners.
As parents you can see the progress of Invisalign Teen teeth straightening aligners as your teenager grows in front of your very eyes.
Invisalign Teen means your teenagers no longer has to feel self conscious in school or family photos, in photos taken for common social media platforms, or when socialising generally with their peers.
Dependant on the particular stage of teeth development there are a variety of treatments available for teenagers who can benefit from Invisalign Lite braces.
Some teens will be suitable for the same Invisalign treatment as adult patients.
Invisalign Teen is more likely the most suitable treatment as it is designed for younger teenagers, or for those who haven’t got all of their adult teeth yet.
Dr Graham Tinkler will carry out a full consultation to determine which type of treatment is necessary depending on the type of teeth a teenager has to get the best teeth straightening results.
Invisalign Teen has been developed specifically for teenagers.
Invisalign Teen teeth straightening aligners are made with the same Invisalign technology used for Invisalign Clear Braces aligners, moving teeth gradually without the requirement for metal braces or for wires.
The mouths of teens (and teens themselves) are growing and moving constantly. Bearing this in mind, there are a few particular identifiers to look out for: